No person or persons shall possess a firearm, knife, taser, dart-gun, airsoft gun & laser pointer on the premises. If found with such items, the person or persons will be removed from the premises and referred to local police as well as being referred from ban to the premises.
No person shall consume alcohol unless over the age of 21 with a valid state issued identification card, government issued id card, or photo proof of identification. If found consuming alcohol under the age ,the person or persons will be removed from the premises and referred to local police as well as being referred from ban to the premises.
No outside alcohol allowed into the premises. If found, the items will be confiscated.
No use or possession of fake identification card(s). If found, the person or persons will be removed from the premises and referred to local police as well as being referred from ban to the premises.
Threats and assault
No making threats. This includes but not limited to Bomb threats, shooting threats, and death or physical harm threats. In the event a threat is made, the local pd will be contacted and a referral will be placed for a ban from the premises.
No assaulting another person. This includes but is not limited to shoving, attacking, punching, and tackling. In the event an act of assault is committed, the local pd will be contacted and a referral will be placed for a ban from the premises.
Possession of fireworks or explosives
No person shall possess fireworks or explosions on the premises. If found, the person will be banned and the local pd will be contacted.
Disrupting the peace
No disruption of the peace. If found causing a disruption of the peace, the local pd will be contacted and a referral will be placed for a ban from the premises.
Security checkpoint
All persons must go through a security checkpoint before entering the premises during major events. Our security checkpoints include body scanners, physical pat-searches, bag scanners, physical bag searches, and any additional screening needed to ensure the safety of attendees. K-9 Units may also be present for screening.
Dress code
A person may not wear items that reveal hate speech or anti semitic sayings, political items, or reveal sensitive parts of a person's body. The final decision will be at the hand of the staff member. If found not following policy, you will be asked to cover up and or be removed from premises.
Disrespecting the premises
Disrespecting the premises is found as, but is not limited to, littering, vandalizing, defacing, or damaging the center. In Any event, the local pd will be contacted and a referral will be placed for a ban from the premises.
Ticketing and ticket fraud
1 person shall be permitted entry to the center per ticket. The person shall receive this ticket by e-delivery and may enter the premises when it is open for public visitation. Once a person enters, their fingerprint will be taken and only the person with that fingerprint will be able to re-enter with that ticket. All issued tickets are non-refundable and held rain or shine. If found attempting ticket fraud, a person will be removed and banned from the premises and local pd will be contacted.
Cameras and recording
Any person is allowed to film in public areas but is limited to restrooms, changing areas and any other place where privacy is expected. If a person is found filming in one of these areas or is found making someone feel uncomfortable, the local pd may be contacted and a referral will be placed to an admin.
Please note that use of CCTV And ip cameras including facial recognition is used on the premises.
Unlawful activities
In the event an unlawful activity is done, the local pd will be contacted and a referral will be made for the person or persons to be removed from the premises.
Rule enforcement and banning procedure
If a person is found disobeying the listed rules, any member of staff can report the actions to an administrator. Removal or banning will be done by an administrator. Local pd may also be contacted.
Private Events
The premises may be closed due to a private event. If so, no person shall be allowed to enter the center without proper invitation, ticketing, and wristbands. If found without such documentation, a person will be removed from the premises and admin will be notified for a ban from the premises. If a person is in possession of fraudulent tickets, refer to the 'ticketing and ticket fraud' section of this.
The MMC Is lawfully considered a private premises. After the MMC is Considered closed by the indicator lights and signs on the premises, if you are found attempting to remain on the premises or enter after hours you will be referred for administrative action and you will be trespassed by local PD.
Protests And Gatherings
At this time, the MMC does not allow guests to gather and protest on the MMC Grounds. If a protest or gathering is occurring, Local PD Will be contacted for a removal of all guests and administrative action will be taken.